Category Archives: Uncategorized

How to Unlock Your Profit Potential

how to unlock your profit potential

Edinburgh Accountants Allsquare discuss how to How to Unlock Your Profit Potential to make your business work better for you.

The key to any successful business is turning a profit. After all, without this what would be the point? But this does not just happen by magic and is dependent on several factors. Some of these are universal factors that apply to all businesses, and some are unique or personal to your firm. How you manage these factors will affect the potential profitability of your firm. So what are they and how can you use them to unlock your profit potential?

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5 Excellent Tips for Sole Traders

5 excellent tips for sole traders

Freelancers and sole traders make a significant contribution to the economy of the United Kingdom and, in recognition of this, the Government has launched a review of self-employment. The objectives of the review are threefold:

  • To gain an understanding as to why so many people opt for self-employment;
  • To identify the challenges and difficulties faced by those setting up their own business; and
  • To recommend ways in which the legal and commercial environment can be made more supportive of the self-employed.

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Why Accountants are Critical to the Success of Your Organisation

Why Accountants are Critical to the Success of Your Organisation

Accountants are critical to the success of your organisation.

From completing your first self-assessment form as a self-employed individual through to your initial listing on the stock exchange, your accountant is a key resource in determining the future of the business. It is therefore vitally important that any business owner takes time to really consider who they are going to engage with and how they are going to work together for the best possible result.

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